Calcio, Football, Soccer: a way to grow
by Bruno Redolfi
Today “il Calcio”, soccer or football as considered in many parts of the world, and certainly in Italy, represents an important aspect of contemporary daily life. Every day, at least 5 minutes, at any place, almost anyone can be found discussing soccer or watching matches at the stadium or on TV. Millions of fans incite their favorite teams and champions and young people grow and make new friendships with other companions as they give a kick to the ball. For these reasons, we believe that the game of soccer, in positive aspects, has become an important part of society both in a recreational sense and a socio-educational sense. Soccer in this sense must unite in a decisive way; play and education, physical and mental health, passion and fun, it is a place where we can share with our youth to enable communication and dialogue, the exploration of their world, their issues, and their needs.