JOSE' PABLO from Queretaro, Mexico
Start with Pablo a series of short articles dedicated to our old student/players
Start now a series of short articles dedicated to our old students/players who will remain forever in the history of our Academy and will always be part of our "football family". We spent a wonderful time with all of our players and that's why it seems fair sometimes talk about each of them. So we like to remember and say CIAO, becuse we know that he follows us, our player a few years ago: JOSE' PABLO from Queretaro - Mexico. Pablo was born in 1992, he was and is a right side defender, but at the end of the training program, he aquired excellent skills (technical and tactical) to make even the right side midfielder, in particular he aquired considerable skills sending ball cross. He's still one of the symbols of our Academy, which best represented the principles, values and goals that we want to pursue. He attended the boarding school program (Year Long) and probably is so far the player who reached the major technical and tactical improvements during the program. All the team loved Pablo, he was like a mascot, we remember a funny thing, he was always hungry ! We can proudly say that Pablo at the end of the training program became a "football player" with good potential. All staff of our Academy send a big hug to Pablo and his lovely family !