Our new proposal for your enjoyment
Start the season of our "Soccer & Language Camps" in Italy and abroad. Fantastic activities, immersed in wonderful green areas of the beautiful Umbria region. Soceer, pool, excursions, language lessons, new friendships waiting for YOU ! This Summer we liked to specialize our camp for age ranges and this is the program:
USA: Tampa (FL) - June 8-13 (9 am - 4.30 pm) - 6-12 years old
ITALY: Panicale (Perugia) - July 6-10 (residential) - 6-10 years old
Panicale (Perugia) - July 13-17 (residential) - 5-8 years old
Perugia - August 3-8 (residential) - 10-16 years old
This season we want to offer our camps especially to younger childrens also accompained by their families decided to spend a holiday in Italy. For older boys activities is provided in August and of course throughout the period of the year where we propose many specific activities for those who want improve their football skills, for those who want to have opportunities to play in Italy and for those who want to try with italian professional clubs.
Contact us for further and specific information
This is our "BIG WIN"
Below we like to publish a letter from the mother of one of our players that after the training experience spent with us, he is now ready to face a new challenge by enrolling in American Colleges.
It's a source of great pride for all the staff of our Academy. We are confident of the effectiveness of our programs but among our major objectives are those that families have confidence in us and the boys feel good during their training program away from their parents.
"On behalf of my family, I would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the Director, Bruno Redolfi, and the Program Coordinator, Francesca Buco, for the last four years while Brenden attended the Italian Soccer School A.I.C. in Perugia, Italy. Brenden has learned so much about the game of football and had so many opportunities to play Italian soccer as a team member of Italian Youth teams and a Men's team. He has also grown into a wonderful young man from his experience in Italy. Brenden is fluent in Italian and has learned how to cook fantastic pasta dishes. It is a sad day that he is leaving Italy but with no regrets as he now pursue his academic career while playing soccer at an American University. We will miss Bruno and Francesca but we will not forget and hope to be back in Italy another day. Our home is always open and I hope one day you will visit. For now, we will always hold a high place for the Italian Soccer School and will most definitely recommend this school to anyone looking to advance their soccer skills and embracing the culture of a wonderful country. This is school provides more than just learning soccer skills, it provides our son with life lessons about how to be a better person. Arrivederci"
It would be easy to answer with many beautiful and right things, but the right words to Lisa, Tony and Brenden are just ... THANKS A LOT AND ALL THE BEST !
PERUGIA-BARI 1-1 Italian SERIE B League
Some Academy's Students attend the match of Italian Serie B, PERUGIA-BARI
Another exciting day offered by the Programs of Italian Soccer School A.I.C. Some students of the Academy attend the match of Italian Serie B Division, PERUGIA-BARI. The students assisted to a hard fought and tactically very good match: After an initial advantage of BARI who has been able to control the game well for a large part of it, in the second half PERUGIA has been able to react to score a gol and seeking to win against BARI remained in ten players for the red card received by his central defender RADA. However BARI resisted and was able to bring home a good tie.
JOSE' PABLO from Queretaro, Mexico
Start with Pablo a series of short articles dedicated to our old student/players
Start now a series of short articles dedicated to our old students/players who will remain forever in the history of our Academy and will always be part of our "football family". We spent a wonderful time with all of our players and that's why it seems fair sometimes talk about each of them. So we like to remember and say CIAO, becuse we know that he follows us, our player a few years ago: JOSE' PABLO from Queretaro - Mexico. Pablo was born in 1992, he was and is a right side defender, but at the end of the training program, he aquired excellent skills (technical and tactical) to make even the right side midfielder, in particular he aquired considerable skills sending ball cross. He's still one of the symbols of our Academy, which best represented the principles, values and goals that we want to pursue. He attended the boarding school program (Year Long) and probably is so far the player who reached the major technical and tactical improvements during the program. All the team loved Pablo, he was like a mascot, we remember a funny thing, he was always hungry ! We can proudly say that Pablo at the end of the training program became a "football player" with good potential. All staff of our Academy send a big hug to Pablo and his lovely family !
An Amazing Day !
The Academy attends the match LAZIO-JUVENTUS in Olympic Stadium of Rome
Joey O. is a fun of a great champion and midfielder, Andrea Pirlo JUVENTUS FC and ITALIAN National Team player. So we wend to the Stadio Olimpico of Rome to watch the match LAZIO-JUVENTUS (respectively the third and first in the championship standings of Italian Serie A). Juventus won a hard fought game 3-0. What an amazing game and experience for our player Joey. Periodically, as part of our program we bring our students to attend matches of the professional leagues of Italian Soccer. We believe thisis an important aspect for the growth of our players. In addition to the fun that can clearly make participation in an event like this, our player can observe live, skills, technical and tactical behaviors and intelligence of high-level players. With our programs, whatever they may be, we try to offer unique experiences and training that can complement and improve the process of general growth of our boys.
Thanks to 2014, we look forward to 2015 !

We are happy waiting for the New Year, to offer You all our fantastic and unique programs
After yet another successful Year spent together, we give You appointment to the New Year, which will be full of new programs and events. Stay in touch, we care of YOU !

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !
Our Academy, our Staff, our Players and all our Partners wish You BEST WISHES.
We wish You a Merry Christmas and that 2015 may be for all of You a WONDERFUL YEAR !
Australia calls Italy, welcome to Mattia and Tobias !

Two young soccer players, from Melbourne-Australia, who attend 21 to 25 May, our individual shorts program of training soccer. Of course all our staff is very happy and proud to welcome into our Academy, Mattia and Tobias and his cute parents Merita and Fabio, to show them the training activities of Italian Soccer School A.I.C. and our teaching methodology given to young players in a crucial growth phase. We are also very plased to receive two young players of Italian origin from Australia, the Country that will partecipate in the next World Cup in Brazil and in which the game of soccer is growing and becoming vey popular.
Enjoy the training Mattia and Tobias !
Destination Perugia-Italy: -1 day

Still missing a day from the begin of the Chargers SC team tour organized by our Academy.
Here we go! Still missing a day but tomorrow begins the team tour that Italian Soccer School A.I.C. arranged for a team of U13 Chargers SC from Florida. The team arrives tomorrow in Perugia directly from the United States. It renews so, years after years, the strong friendship and cooperation between our Academy and this American Soccer Club. The team, coaches, parents will be engaged in a week full of fantastic activities under the guidance of our Staff. We're really happy, proud and honored to be able to collaborate and work on common goals with the President Rob, the Technical Director Peter, and our good friend Marco, a coach with great knowledge and unique organizational skills. Our team tours offer many opportunities for growth and development of social and soccer for every young participant. Below you can get an idea of what we offer and organize and of the activities that take place in the SC Chargers week stay in Italy at our Academy:
- Airport pick-up/drop off & all ground transportation provided;
- Wine testing for the parents;
- Private bus for all the activities provides in the package;
- Accommodation in Hotel***S ;
- Three meals daily: brakfast buffet - lunch - dinner;
- Internet wi-fi available in all rooms;
- Soccer training program at our sport center under the guidance of our professional coaching staff;
- Two friendly games;
- A gift or sportswear for each participant;
- Guided visit of historical city of ROME;
- Guided visit of San Pietro Basilica and Vatican State in ROME;
- Guided visit of historical city of ASSISI (city of St. Francis)
- Guided visit of historical city of PERUGIA;
- Guided visit to PERUGINA chocolate factory;
- Attendance at two matches of Italian Serie A (tickets included): LAZIO-MILAN and ROMA-TORINO.
- Attendance certificate for all participants.
This is Italian Soccer School A.I.C. so contact us to build your team tour and we'll satisfy all your needs !

Italian Soccer School A.I.C. announces a new edition of our SUMMER CAMPS in Italy and abroad.
If you want information about location, services offered and training program, go to the Sections of Home Page: Camp News and Focus on to find all details about the Camps. About our International Camps, after to have scheduled the camp in Clearwater-Florida we are opened to receive other requests to perform soccer camps with our Technical Staff.
Opening of Registrations to Boarding School 2014-15
Our Academy with great pleasure announces the opening of registrations for next Boarding School Programs, which will begin on next September 2014
Hello to all young footballers !
With great pleasure ITALIAN SOCCER SCHOOL A.I.C. announces the opening of registrations for the Boarding School Programs 2014-15 which will begin next September. Our fantastic and unique experience that we offer to all boys and girls, who, arriving in Italy, want to improve their football skills, want to compete with Italian soccer, want to have opportunities to reach professional levels and at the same time learn the Italian language, having fun and living incredible experiences of sport and life. In addition, our programs thanks to our partnerships with leading educational institutions, will give you a chance if you want, to earn credits to continue your course of study, through the development of educational programs specific to your needs. Don't hesitate to contact us, to know who we are or to receive specific information. We will be glad to show you our training programs, to explain what are our goals for yourself. Our staff is at your disposal! ITALIAN SOCCER SCHOOL A.I.C. OUR MISSION IS YOUR SOCCER !
Clearwater FL home of the next soccer camp in June
ITALIAN SOCCER SCHOOL A.I.C. is very happy to announce a new soccer camp in collaboration with CHARGERS SC
ITALIAN SOCCER SCHOOL A.I.C. is very happy to announce a new soccer camp in collaboration with CHARGERS SC (Clearwater-FL), one of the biggest soccer clubs in the United States, which is also "home" of the very important US development program and exposure of young players called "Academy Program".
Another opportunity for all young people, boys and girls interested, to experiment and have fun with the best method of development of a young soccer player. Our long experience in the growth of young players, our training programs and the results obtained are the guarantee of our soccer camp that we develop for years in partnership with various soccer clubs around the world. The camp will be held June 9 to 20 and very soon we let you know the exact location and address of the camp.
Look at the section of the website FOCUS ON to see all the details.
Welcome JACQUES !

A new student enters the Boarding School Program 2013-14. Monday 23 September, the start of soccer and school activities that will end June 7, 2014.
We are happy to welcome Jacques in the soccer family ITALIAN SOCCER SCHOOL AIC. Our Boarding School program is enriched with new young student, Jacques, from Vancouver BC-Canada. Jacques will be with us for 9 months following our specific training soccer and school programs. After an initial period of tests and individual technical training, to assess the characteristics and skills of the player, Jacques will be placed in one of the team partners of our Academy and take part in the Youth Championships of Italian Soccer Federation. Good luck Jacques !
Italian Soccer School A.I.C. and the University for Foreigners of Perugia, a strong partnership over the years.

Continues profitably and renewed cooperation relationship between our Academy and the prestigious University for Foreigners of Perugia. The training for our athletes will be unique and complete.
Italian Soccer School A.I.C. - Accademia Insegnare Calcio announces with great satisfaction and pride that it has renewed relationship cultural, sporting and scientific and famous with the prestigious University for Foreigners of Perugia. The Management of the University and of the Italian Soccer School A.I.C. have established a relationship of cooperation to promote and enhance the inclusion of the athletes of the Italian Soccer School A.I.C. in the Italian context, to create special courses for our athletes and to promote innovative and interesting projects of common interest. We also take this opportunity to send the newly elected Rector, Professor Giovanni Paciullo, our best wishes for the new and prestigious assignment.
One of our first players graduated in Perugia
Josef, from Budapest-Hungary, after participating in our Boarding School Program for a year reached a great goal.
Dear readers with great pleasure we like to give the news that one of our first students enrolled in our Academy, Josef (born 1987) from Budapest-Hungary, on April 16 he graduated in International Communication at the University of Foreigners Perugia.
Josef after attending our Annual Programme Boarding School he decided to stay in Perugia to continue to play football and study. Today Josef reached with a degree his big goal, is continuing to play and started to make the most of young goalkeepers coach for the club in which he plays.
The entire staff of Italian Soccer School A.I.C. is very happy to Josef and is very proud to have contributed to its formation both football and cultural. Josef interprets very well, the principles and objectives that Italian Soccer School AIC has in its foundations.
Soon on-line the entire interview we did with Josef that tell us about his experience with our Academy.
Welcome Nolan, a new goalkeeper in our Academy !
The activities of our Academy continues with good results and new athletes enroll in our programs.
Welcome to Nolan, our new student. Nolan comes from Chicago-Illinois, is a strong goalkeeper and is part of the American Academy Soccer Program of collecting for each U.S. State's best young players. We are very proud that Nolan has chosen the training programs of the Italian Soccer School AIC to improve its skill and to have opportunities to play at a high level. Good luck Nolan!
June 10-14, Soccer Camp in FLORIDA

After the huge success of last year, this summer Italian Soccer School AIC proposes an amazing Soccer Camp in Clearwater (FL) in collaboration with CHARGERS SC
After many years of fruitful collaboration and after the great success of last year, renews June 10 to 14 our Soccer Camp in Clearwater-Tampa FL in collaboration with CHARGERS SC. ITALIAN SOCCER SCHOOL A.I.C. is very proud and happy to continue and make it active through many "Trainining activities" the collaboration with CHARGERS SC, one of the biggest soccer clubs in the United States, which is also "home" of the very important US development program and exposure of young players called "Academy Program".
Our next Soccer Camp represents yet another opportunity for all young people, boys and girls interested, to experiment and have fun with the best method of construction and development of a young soccer player. Our long experience in the growth of young players, our training programs and the results obtained are the guarantee of our soccer camp that we develop for years in partnership with various soccer clubs around the world.
All participants will be divided by age and the activities and objectives of the camp will be...
Look at the section of the website FOCUS ON to see all the details.
Amazing weekend for William
Many activities, unique, interesting and fun await all students who enroll in training programs of our Academy.
An amazing weekend for our player William, who together with the staff of our Academy visit the Ferrari Factory and Museum in Maranello-Modena. William, however, was able to admire the beautiful cars of the Prancing Horse and after the visit to the FERRARI, received a welcome surprise gift at the Stadium of Modena, the official game shirt of the captain of Modena FC. Infact, the day was supposed to continue with the vision of the big match of Serie B Modena-Brescia at the Stadio Braglia, but the heavy snowfall prevented the course of the game so that was postponed.
This is one of many unique and different activities included in the training programs that Italian Soccer School AIC offers its students.
A new student with us !

We welcome William from Montreal-Canada. We are very happy to host William in our soccer family !
Our training programs are open from September to June. During this period many young players arrive at our Academy to participate in short, intense programs aimed at improving their technical qualities and experience our training methods.
We welcome William from Montreal-Canada, he immediately immersed himself in the new reality of our Academy, participating with dedication, passion and intensity to our training sessions, individual and team.
Our Technical Director is the new Assistant Coach for AC REGGIANA 1919

Another prestigious position for the Technical Director of the Academy. This is a further proof of experience, competence and excellent training program that our Academy place for their students under the guidance of our technical director.
Italian Soccer School A.I.C. - Acccademia Insegnare Calcio is pleased and proud to announce that his Technical Director Bruno Redolfi, is the new Assistant Coach of AC REGGIANA 1919. Our Academy, all staff and students, hope to our Technical Director and the team he coaches AC REGGIANA to achieve great success and the goals set.
The new prestigious position of Bruno Redolfi like the previous had with other professional teams, represent for young players of our Academy, an umpteenth exclusive opportunity to be observed and evaluated by professional team of Italian Football Championship.
LAZIO - INTER Milan 1-0, we attended the big-match in Rome

One of the important moments of football training that we offer to our students is the possibility to attend important matches of the professional league Italian Serie A.
In keeping with our football programs of training, we offered our students, to live a wonderful experience at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome attending the big-match INTER Milan-LAZIO, which ended with the victory of 1-0 to Lazio. The game was very lively and offered interesting individual and collective tactical aspect that we pointed our students to increase their knowledge. Overall, the Lazio deserved to win, Inter played the fast counterattack and also hit two goal posts with Cassano and Palacio, while Lazio has consistently maintained possession of the ball, missing the goal several times with Klose, Mauri and Ledesma. The match was decided by a fantastic goal from Miroslav Klose got his tenth goal of the season.
It was still a great game with many fans, characterized by the quality of play of great champions like, Cassano, Klose, Milito, Hernanes, Guarin, Milito, Zanetti, Cambiasso.
Christmas gifts for our students!

Italian Soccer School A.I.C. temporarily stops school and football activities for the Christmas period in which some students decide to go home to spend Christmas with the family.
As every year, the Italian Soccer School A.I.C. gives its students the Christmas gifts and the typical italian sweets "Panettone" and "Torrone" to bring their parents to celebrate their Countries a Christmas with a bit of Italian tradition. We wish all our students and their families to enjoy a peaceful and joyful Christmas !
Our students take part in the regional championships

When students enrolled in our Academy's training programs, are in possession of the necessary requirements of the Italian Football Federation, they have the opportunity to participate in football championships.
Debut of our students in the Umbria Juniores Regional Championship. The students play for Soccer Clubs with which Italian Soccer School A.I.C. collaborates. Currently, they play for the Juniores Team of SUBASIO ASD Soccer Club and now, after 15 games played they guide the ranking with the excellent result of 13 matches won, drawn one and lost one. Good luck to our boys!
Italian Serie B: a 'fantastic match' in Terni

The Italian Soccer School A.I.C. – Accademia Insegnare Calcio as part of its educational activities for Boarding School 2012-13, yesterday
The Italian Soccer School A.I.C. – Accademia Insegnare Calcio as part of its educational activities for Boarding School 2012-13, yesterday evening brought some of his students to attend the important match of the Serie B Italian Championship, Sassuolo-Ternana finished with the score of 3 to 1 for the visiting team that strengthens leadership in ranking and presents itself as favorite to win the Serie A League. The match was very interesting and fun, but also made it possible to explain to the students of our Academy some tactical team aspects and some playing characteristics of the players. At the end of the game the students have met the players of Sassuolo and one of them, Michele Troiano, man of the match, (in the picture, the first one on the left), gave his jersey to one of our lucky student. The evening of Terni is one of the many activities that the Italian Soccer School AIC - Accademia Insegnare Calcio, provides for a complete football training of his students.
BOARDING SCHOOL 2012-13: we are ready, join us soon !
Start a new exciting and challenging season for the students of the Italian Soccer School A.I.C. who will be engaged in the football training program and also in many other unforgettable experiences.
The new season of our Academy training begins Monday 24 September. Like every year we welcome our students enrolled in programs of the Italian Soccer School A.I.C. and wish them all the best for a successful and profitable year of training.
Our students will face and live many interesting, fun and unique experiences that will improve, enhance their skills and especially their personality.
The soccer training and related activities will be intense and specific and based on the characteristics of each young player. The school curricula in the college, will be custom-designed to the needs of each student, to enable them to get credits.
We are ready, we await your arrival!
Italian Soccer School as part of their training activities
Italian Soccer School A.I.C. as part of their training activities "Boarding School Programs", organized and offered its students a tour of the factory and museum of Ferrari, one of the most famous Italian brands. Some of our students spent a day in Maranello and were able to see all the great models from the world's most famous, took photos, they got on board of a Formula One car in the museum and exceptionally have been able assist to the tests of a Formula One car in the circuit in Maranello. An unforgettable day that will remain in the memories. Look at the Photo Gallery
CHARGERS SC begins training sessions
Start the training program for the team CHARGERS with the coaches of the Academy.
Start the training program for the team CHARGERS with the coaches of the Academy. The training sessions have different goals depending on the age of the players. Our philosophy is fun to learn. The training methodology of the Academy allows us to evaluate and observe the technical characteristics of boys and girls with specific training. This activity is extremely important for coaches who can deal with our style of training and especially get advice on how to train and how to improve the quality of each young player with age-appropriate programs.
Welcome to the team CHARGERS SC
Within the programs team tour, Italian Soccer School is very pleased to once again host a team of Chargers Soccer Club from Clearwater Florida USA.
Within the programs team tour, Italian Soccer School is very pleased to once again host a team of Chargers Soccer Club from Clearwater Florida USA.
The team led by the Technical Coordinator Marco Pollastri, by Coach Stanley Urquhart and nicely accompanied by a large group of parents held a series of training sessions with the instructors of our Academy, some friendly matches with club partner of our Academy, assist to a match of the Italian Serie A League and will do several excursions in famous Italian cities and sights of the city of Perugia.
SUMMER CAMPS 2012 - Perugia Italy

Dear friends, dear players we are pleased to present for next Summer our original and unique Italian Soccer Camps.
Dear friends, dear players we are pleased to present for next Summer our original and unique Italian Soccer Camps. The Camps are open to all ages boys and girls. We are confident that our experience, professionalism in soccer and on the organization of all activities, you will ensure good services and an unforgettable stay in Italy. Our Soccer Camps are a great opportunity to learn all the specific aspects of the game of soccer, to receive suggestions, to have the opportunity to be evaluated by Italian professional coaches and above all to enjoy.
We offer three weeks*:
FIRST WEEK: arrival on June 24 - departure on June 30 - Participation Fee: (Euros) € 730,00
SECOND WEEK: arrival on June 30 - departure on July 7 - Participation Fee: (Euros) € 830,00
THIRD WEEK: arrival on July 7 - departure on July 14 - Participation Fee: (Euros) € 830,00
*All interested participants may also choose to make two or three weeks, with special price's conditions !
The above participation fees includes all services and activities that we list below.
- Bus Transfer: Rome Airport - Hotel / Hotel - Rome Airport:
- Accomodation in 3 Stars Hotel, with a pool;
- Three meals daily in the Restaurant of the Hotel (with typical Italian and Umbrian cuisine);
- Daily Bus Service for all the activities provided on the package;
- A set of our Academy's Sportswear for each player participant;
- Daily training sessions according with a professional technical staff at our training facilities located in a beautiful green area (two regular soccer fields: natural and artificial gress);
- Daily lessons (30 minutes), on vocabulary and basic elements of Italian language;
- A touristic visit of historic city of ROME;
- A touristic visit of historic city of ASSISI (city of St Francis);
- Visit of a typical Umbrian historical village: CORCIANO;
- Various excursions to the city historical centre of PERUGIA;
- Attendance Certificate and Evaluation Report for each player participant;
- All players will be evaluated by italianprofessional coaches.
We look forward for seeing you in our ITALIAN SOCCER SCHOOL A.I.C. !
Periodically the students of ITALIAN SOCCER SCHOOL AIC or selected ones, based on their skills and level of improvement, attend a period of training and try-outs with the U17 squad of FOLIGNO CALCIO Professional Italian PRO LEAGUE. Our Academy is proud of its solid collaboration with FOLIGNO CALCIO and gives our students the opportunity to improve their skills and develop their potential by playing with high performance athletes. Italian Soccer School has been in the past and has important collaborations with other professional and non-professional soccer clubs, such as the Modena FC (Italian Serie B), the AC PERUGIA, the BASTIA CALCIO (Associated FC INTER Milan). If our students demonstrate excellent skills and development, they may have the opportunity to play with Italian professional clubs in Italy.

Welcome to our students for the fall term 2011 !
Each year our Academy receives subscriptions to our various soccer programs. In the second half of September begins our Boarding School Program. Our entire staff is proud and ready to welcome its students and to offer an unforgettable and unique experiences of soccer and life in beautiful Perugia-Italy. Welcome Brenden and Antonio to Italian Soccer School A.I.C.’s Fall Term. Brenden comes all the way from Victoria, British Columbia and Antonio from Mexico.

Italian Socccer School A.I.C. a unique soccer experience !
The first and older Italian Academy specialized on Soccer Programs for foreign students/players. We offer players, boys and girls of all ages, from all over the world, fantastic and amazing soccer experience. Boarding School Program, Try-outs, Camps, Team Tour, Tournaments, Coaching Symposium for Coaches are only some of the opportunities that you can try with our Soccer Academy. For ten years we work and receive students/players from all over the world. In this regard, we like to announce that on next September 26 begins our important Boarding School Program.